
Posts Tagged ‘Ta-Nehisi Coates’

The Death of Hope

December 5, 2021 Leave a comment

2nd Sunday in Advent, Year C
Texts: Jer 33.14-16; 1 Thess 3.9-13; Lk 21.25-36

During Advent, we talk a lot about hope. That’s what the season is about, right—hope? Hope for the return of Christ, hope for the future of our species and our planet, hope for the return of light and the forgiveness of sin and the end of death. Hope for the healing of the nations and of the world. We remind ourselves that, just as we know Christmas is coming at the end of the month, the days are surely coming when Jesus will return and establish God’s reign of peace and justice over all the earth.  But what are we to do when that thing for which we are hoping seems to be so far off?

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