
Archive for October 24, 2021

Otro Oportunidad

October 24, 2021 Leave a comment

22nd Sunday after Pentecost (Lectionary 30), Year B
Texts: Jer 31.7-9; Heb 7.23-28; Mk 10.46-52

Some years ago, Stephanie’s sibling Lisa was studying abroad in Granada, Spain, and we went with some friends to visit them. During our stay, Lisa introduced us to a local friend they had met during their time there named Fernando. We were all hanging out with Fernando one day and we asked him to tell us a Spanish joke. After all, one of the pieces of culture that are often unique are jokes. We were curious to see if a Spanish joke would also be funny in English. He thought about it for a bit and shared this one with us. Turns out, in Spain they also tell blonde jokes, just like in the US. I’m not really a fan of blonde jokes, but I want to share this one with you, so bear with me. Apologies to our lighter-haired friends. Roughly translated, it goes like this:

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