
Archive for August 29, 2021


August 29, 2021 Leave a comment

14th Sunday after Pentecost (Lectionary 22), Year B
Texts: Jas 1.17-27; Mk 7.1-8, 14-23

Let me preface this story by saying that I truly and genuinely love my father-in-law. He’s a kind and generous man, and I am grateful to know him. We have different ideas about some things, but we enjoy debating politics together. Even in our disagreement, I love and respect him. Let me also preface this story by saying that our house does not have an air conditioner.

It was during the freak, record-breaking heatwave in June, late at night. I don’t stay up late much anymore, but Stephanie and I were both up late because it was so hot and we couldn’t sleep, and also to keep the house opened up to the cool night air for as long as possible before locking up for the night. I was laying in the hammock in our backyard, stripped down to my shorts, still uncomfortably warm in the 80+ degree heat, at midnight, in June, and thinking as I stared into the inky sky that this is going to become more and more normal. I was hot, and I was tired, and I was unable to sleep, and I got angry. I got angry at my father-in-law.

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