
Archive for November 17, 2019

Even When Steeples Are Falling

November 17, 2019 Leave a comment

Audio Recording of “Even When Steeples Are Falling” recorded in worship (12:15)
23rd Sunday after Pentecost; Lectionary 33C (Proper 28C)
Texts: Mal 4.1-2; 2 Thess 3.6-13; Lk 21.5-19

The second letter to the Thessalonians was written to calm the fears of an anxious community. Some in the church at Thessalonika believed that the day of the Lord was already here, and that because Jesus was due back any moment there was no reason for them to keep up the rhythms of everyday life. They stopped working at their jobs and vocations, stopped being productive members of society. They dropped everything and ascended the metaphorical mountaintop to wait for Jesus’ return.

Only, as they waited, they were also stoking people’s fears and anxieties. Perhaps they were standing on street corners holding signs reading things like “Repent! The End is Near!” or maybe they were making snide remarks about who they expected to get their comeuppance when Jesus showed up. Whatever they were doing, it wasn’t out of malice or an intent to cause trouble: they genuinely believed that the end had come and there was no use in going about business as usual. Read more…